Since 2013, our architecture studio has hosted multidisciplinary and site-specific art exhibitions in conjunction with seasonal events; they’re our way of showcasing ideas from collaborators, visionaries, and friends.
Artists & Events
“Toporama” by Irene Wood
Toporama, a gallery show by Irene Wood. Irene is a painter and designer in Seattle WA. Influenced by diverse eco-climates, her mixed media abstracted landscape paintings depict dream-like ecological utopias that explore themes of interconnectivity, binary opposition, and counterbalance. historyandindustry.com
“Follow Me Through Four Levels” Emily Tanner-McLean
Follow Me Through Four Level, a floor-to-ceiling video installation by Emily Tanner-McLean featuring footage of the Cascade Wilderness and provocative audio. These merge to create a space for meditating on myth, motive, and the illusory “boxes” that prevent us from embracing reality. tannermclean.com
“Mini Mart City Park” SuttonBeresCuller
In collaboration with SuttonBeresCuller GO’C presents the latest drawings, models, and videos of the project. Mini Mart City Park is a community focused project transforming a former gas station into an arts-oriented community center and pocket park, demonstrating the potential of art to propel a project that simultaneously repairs damaged land while providing shared cultural space. minimartcitypark.com
“The Red Plain” Tony Kim
A suspended string and plaster installation that visitors are invited to interact with. tonyarchie.com
“BOG” Leah Gerrard
Leah is a Seattle based sculptor specializing in works of metal combining stones and found objects. leahgerrard.com
“Considerations of This Future. This Future. This Future” Mark Von Rosenstiel
A site-specific installation constructed of crisscrossing 4′ fluorescent tubes.
Photography: Joe Iano markvonrosenstiel.com
GO’C hosted a celebration and fundraiser for Rural Studio in honor of the 20K House projects. ruralstudio.org
Julia is a Seattle based artist blending earth stewardship with frugality, using salvaged and repurposed wood extensively in her free-standing and wall-mounted artworks. juliahaack.com
A new body of work exploring the spatial relationships found within music. Each piece is abstracted from the musical composition ‘Zebra’ by Baltimore based musicians, Beach House.
Studio launch party!